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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Road Safety only if there's a few bob in it?

Road safety only if there's a few bob in it?

Here is an example of the typical pious but profiteering face of The Road Safety Industry if ever there were.

Ex Sergeant Dave Kay, of Lincolnshire Police Road Safety Partnership, at one time acting chief copper there, clearly was on a good screw for doing life saving. Very pro prosecuting perfectly safe drivers too. This partnership actually denied to me the self evident, 'Reduce the need to overtake reduces the attempts and thus reduces the overtake accidents' and also 'The more a driver can see the better his driving and thus less night-time crashes' Here he is now, involved with two consultancy companies, still no doubt piously peddling his peculiar 'life saving' technique for money!

K Consulting (Lincs Ltd) & Mannor Ltd

Ex acting head of Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
Unless his customers are all cyclists or walk around for their business, can we note that Dapper Dave was all for prosecuting perfectly safe drivers for personal profit and gain; not to mention a good pension too? Not much change there then!!

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