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Friday, 25 December 2015

Enough of these bogus anti driver tax break charities with no CV in road safety.

In this story.  BRAKE are annoyed with the Government for failing to be tougher on essential UK infrastructure and drivers in their insatiable and ridiculous demands for lower and lower road casualties.

Of course there has been a predictable increase in road casualties over last year which was an exceptionally low year and one bound to be followed by slightly higher figures thereafter.

'the Statement fails to include casualty reduction targets or a 'vision zero', which would make clear that the ultimate goal is to reduce deaths to zero.'

How do these people get taken seriously when they make 
demands like that? 

At the moment, after 300 billion driver miles a year, with drivers having to cope with all sorts of animal and human hazards, there is less death on the road from all causes than there is from accidents in the home, from strangulation, from hanging and from self harm.

Perhaps we should be asking why we actually need BRAKE and all the other bogus unqualified anti driver tax break road safety charities at all? And if the tax break money being consumed by BRAKE and their ilk would save more lives if spent with the NHS or Fire and Rescue or police?

Do see this graphic perspective of the UK Road Safety Fat Cats. See it here

Why are BRAKE so dangerous? For a start they have no CV in road safety, accident reporting or top driving and so, like lots of road safety meddlers, are not qualified to be commenting on the matter. But then they fail to take into account the fact that, whilst there are bound to be road casualties, especially if people like BRAKE are recommending more cycling for example, our whole society and economy is based on motor transport, especially the motor car. Take them away and all 65 million of us die. So a trade off of about 2000 a year to keep 65 million alive has to be OK surely. 

To achieve 'zero' would mean stopping all road traffic and thus killing 65 million of us. How can any official take these people seriously? Well the same crowd were taken in by Jimmy Saville too weren't they? 

Maybe we have long passed the cost benefit number anyway whereby we are not killing enough people on the road and far more from the economic cost of not doing so elsewhere in society. Has anyone calculated this? Certainly those within the lucrative road safety bubble, like BRAKE, have no interest in any other sort of death which leads me to think they have no real interest in road death either.

BRAKE are not really interested in saving lives as much as making lots of money for BRAKE whilst doing its utmost to screw important and essential infrastructure. See BRAKE finance

Let's get it clear. The Road Safety Industry is not free, it's not benign, it's very aggressive and it's a minority of profiteers operating against the interests of the whole community who depend on drivers to exist. 

Good road safety will never come from profit, or anti driver ideology. So Why is the DfT supporting these dangerous charities?

Should the police be screwing the community for them either? See this open letter to NPCC

We must close down this whole anti community industry and start afresh.

Look at these tax break companies who are supporting these anti community charities. See them here.

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