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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The money pedal. BRAKE

Mary Williams OBE the founder of BRAKE

This explains why an important life and death economic issue must not be influenced by charities like BRAKE. These naive people are dangerously being exploited by an aggressive and highly profitable Road Safety Industry.

Aside from the fact that of these 7 road deaths a day, not all of those are driver related or caused but these people are not at all interested in good cheap effective road safety. They prefer the aggressive, expensive and profitable style that kills more than it saves by ignoring real accident causes and greedily taking so much from the economy for it. Doesn't Mary wonder why she really got an OBE so quickly? Follow the money folks.

Dear Keith

I am sorry you do not agree with our policies. We do not find it acceptable that 7 people are killed on UK roads every day, which is why we continue to campaign on road safety issues. Please take a look around our website for more about our research led policy approach.

Ellen Booth

Campaigns officer

Brake, the road safety charity

Hi Ellen,
With all due respect what do you think is 'acceptable'? After 300 billion driver miles P.A. with large lumps of metal amongst flesh what do you think is likely to happen? That there is more death from accident in the home is a miracle isn't it? But why not the same focus on home deaths? Why not prosecute people and take their home owner's licence off them? The answer is simple. There isn't the potential to earn vast sums of money from someone's kitchen that the so called Road Safety Industry does.
Is it right that such an 'honest' endeavour should rely on dishonest spin and soundbite to make a case? Policies based on non-legal jargon that isn't even in the Road Traffic Act? Totally untrue public statements? Why should all that be necessary if the policy is a sound one? We are talking life and death here and criminalising people and removing their livelihoods from them. There is no place for dishonesty and falsehood; it has to be right.
It is about time that BRAKE needed to know how many people die from false and flawed road safety policy and from the economic impact of overkill road safety. Surely If BRAKE are really interested in death then they should concern themselves with both sides of the balance sheet. As an expert, I can help BRAKE with that. Be assured I am all about road safety but proper road safety that will save lives if that is your true concern. Don't let BRAKE get used by vested interest money men to front their message for them.
Ask yourself. What is my vested interest? I am entirely voluntary, occasionally get expenses if I am lucky, now how many others in the Industry can say that?

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