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Friday, 16 September 2011

E Petition: Lifetime ban for knowingly driving uninsured then Jail for 2nd offence

We have now submitted this E petition along the lines of our BBC Statement.

People who knowingly drive uninsured are highly dangerous. If there were a psychology test for drivers, they would display the wrong mindset for driving. Irresponsible, a lack of care and consideration for the welfare of others and a willingness to break the law. So they are unfit to drive vehicles at all.

These people show that they will not care about the condition and safety of their vehicle, tyres, brakes and worse their manner of driving too.

In view of the foregoing, they should, on first conviction, be fined with a lifetime driving ban. A repeat offence would carry a long prison term.    Support the petition at: The uninsured e-petition is here.

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