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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Grayling proves hardly a week goes by without attacks on drivers

What is it about politicians when they get to power? Is part of being a minister to have one's brain removed so they can be clones of their civil servants to promote the same ideology as a line of predecessors have?

It certainly seems like it to me both in the DfT and Ministry of Justice when it comes to drivers.

There are certainly hidden faces in both departments that drivers need to root out. 

What a vote winner to push for long terms of jail for disqualified drivers 'who kill or injure'. 

Yes even I can identify with that but what of disqualified drivers who were driving safely and weren't to blame when someone died? Is there a dispensation or exclusion for that? Driving, perfectly safely, whilst disqualified is only a serious administration offence and in itself is not dangerous or an indication of manner of driving.

How often does merely exceeding a drink limit when a death has occurred deflect from the cause of the accident now? I have no problem with a long term for causing a death by drink driving but I do have a problem with a long term where the drinking was purely coincidental to the accident.

In both examples, I do have a problem with the constant attack on the driver on a populist basis.

Is Mr Grayling one of the anti driver fat cats when there are far worse killers? See The starving then there's road safety. 

Drivers. Take his name. He needs your vote as much as he needs a bit of imagination and original thought. 

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