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Monday, 24 February 2014

Why are you angry with cyclists?

The Twitter account @CycleHatred was designed to corroborate the claim that there's a driver's war against cyclists. It re-tweets all anti cyclist posts that it can find and the more violent or extreme the supposed threat the more the Cycle Lobby loves it. They then become indignant themselves, take it all seriously and so their 'war' is fomented.

Of course in reality it is only sticks and stones since drivers aren't really bumping cyclists off from deliberate hatred and most of it is really about winding up cyclists and no more.

But here is your chance to tell us in more detail why you are fed up with cyclists.

We will not publish profanity or threats but invite a genuine anti road cyclist discussion so you can tell us what it is that they are doing so wrong from your point of view. 


  1. Queue jumping!!!!!! Cyclists like to call it filtering and in some cases it's ok... In London however they weave their way through three lanes of traffic often at high speeds just so they can get to the lights first.. You need eight eyes like a spider to see were they're coming from next. GET IN THE QUEUE AND KEEP OVER TO THE LEFT WERE I CAN SEEN YOU!!!!

    1. Thanks for that. Believe it or not the Lycras are trying to hi-jack this discussion too even though it isn't being put to them. They seem to think that people like you are merely jealous of their, 'good looks' 'thighs' 'ability to get there quicker' and so on.

      It's probably this attitude of superiority and a monopoly of a super intelligence that actually foments feelings such as yours.

      They really cannot accept that their greatest numbers are on a London Commute and even then they are a tiny minority of commuters. Society would manage very well without them. If they accepted that much then their attitude towards other road users would be much better I think.

      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Why would you want to start a "genuine anti road cyclist discussion"?
    Who on earth would benefit from such a thing? (Genuine question)

    1. I am interested to know exactly what these twitter posts are all about when not constrained to 140 characters & abusive responses. I know you are upset that, by definition, it won't include the anti driver cycle lobby and that as the blogmeister I can filter out the irrelevant posts. I only want to hear from these anti cyclist tweeters to see how many are genuine and how many are just to wind you lot up.

      At the moment the war is one way. Cyclist against drivers. Drivers are totally oblivious to cycle hatred and treat cyclists as a road hazard to be successfully negotiated. This they do millions of times a day.

  3. I'm angry with cyclists because a growing number think the can dictate what speed I drive at regardless of the speed limit, they call the shots on when I can overtake by riding in a central position, often when there's a perfectly good cycle lane to the left. Last week I was sat behind a cyclist for about 10 minutes doing about 15 mph on a 60 mph road, and printed on his hi-viz was the phrase "Cyclists may use the whole lane. Get over it". It's militant point makers like this that really grind my gears..

    1. Yes a good example of using their own bodies as a challenge in its own right. The chap you describe thinks that your good, albeit very common, example of driver patience was a right to be exploited. So what would be wrong with his stopping to allow you to pass safely? He would rather take the risk with his own life to prove a point. That really does show a serious lack of logic and intelligence that politicians should note; especially when these people want to encourage children to do it too just to swell their numbers.

      When I query 2 abreast for a social chat, they are actually doing it, again by using their own skins,, to deter passing. Then demand jail for anyone who unsuccessfully attempts it too. Amazing.

  4. I find this offensive - I am both a motorist and a cyclist. This is a false dichotomy.

    1. Well I am a cyclist and motorist too so what's the significance of that? It's the Cycle Lobby who is posting the @CycleHatred tweets so let's hear what it's all about shall we? Or is it only in the domain of cyclists to attack other road users?

    2. The significance is that you're a totally moronic buffoon who does NOT represent me as a motorist(shock horror, a cyclist drives).

    3. Here is the evidence of the angry cyclists who can only be personal in their remarks. Yes most cyclists drive. It's their first choice of transport when heavy loads, long distances, family to shift and high speeds are needed and there's no high winds and blizzards too. But since it's the cyclists who moan about 'idiot drivers' that you drive doesn't mean your clever at all. In fact your intolerance proves the opposite. :-))

  5. What makes me angry with cyclists is their hair-trigger sensitivity to criticism.. Dare to criticise cycling on any public web forum and you'll be met with a volley of abuse and personal insults from people called "CycleDave" or "PedallingSteve". They will brand you a bad driver (whether you drive or not) they will call you fat and almost certainly will bang on about the environment. I had to lock down my twitter account in the end all because I had the audacity to criticise a cyclist I'd seen run a red light. My tweet was re-tweeted over 50 times by cyclists and the abuse I received was absolutely shocking. Why are these people so sensitive to criticism and why to they feel they're above other members of society?

  6. I'm not entirely sure if you are a kosha complainant but even so there is much evidence to support your remarks so I have published them.

  7. Im like Harry Budder an i hav a car und an old bike but wen Harry Budder is in his car he aint slowin duwn cos him is manaic so wen im on a bike i canut keep up with him. Im only random cycler so sluw duwn Harry Budder. Wow goin to fast fur me.

  8. Harry is only doing what his car was designed to do AB That doesn't make him a maniac when you're thinking like a cyclist.
