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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Time to say goodbye

24th August 2016

Dear friends and supporters,

Since I was diagnosed with terminal cancer last November, I have been able, until now, to continue the mission to bring genuine, altruistic road safety policy to the UK for the benefit of our drivers.

The EU Referendum was a particularly busy four months because Brexit wasn’t just a rebellion against the EU, but against all the perceived ills and unfairness both here and in the EU.

But recently I have been struggling more and more every day and things have become harder for me. The latest prognosis is that my time frame is now very short. I will be going on to a drug which has some nasty side effects which would make it difficult to make rational and credible conclusions so the time has come to stand down.

I will keep two Tweet accounts running. @Bogtrotter1 my own personal account and @EastMidsDrivers  so anyone following @Driver_Hatred & @DriverUnion can follow me on one of those instead but I won’t be so active.

I will arrange for the two extensive sites, & to remain available as sources of reference and corroboration for anyone to use. The latter can be searched either via topic labels or the word search field. Both sites are matters of fact and corroboration so hopefully my work can go on with others even though I have stopped.

Media: These are the only fully corroborated and unchallenged alternative Questions against the Road Safety Industry. They are a good resource to challenge them on a totally fair basis with fair valid questions for a change. 

What happens next?

I have long come to the conclusion that the question of improving road safety and official attitudes towards drivers has gone far beyond reasonable dialogue, debate and persuasion. This is because we are up against a multi billion pound industry allied to official anti driver ideology which is manifest in the number of publicly funded anti driver  charities. All of it is run by the very same Green anti people AGW Industry with the same methods of false propaganda, the marginalising and ridicule of any opposition and the publicly financed lobby groups. To change all this, just like Brexit, we are going to need to motivate our 35 million affected drivers and their families.

But things are much worse than that. Probably best outlined in these two Blog posts. & What this means is that we will never achieve honest road safety and roads policy until we return our country back to its ordinary people and like minded officials. Brexit was merely a start.

Good luck everyone.

Keith Peat.


  1. What about your dead cyclists page? Will that be updated - we need it.

  2. I hope those tragic deaths posted in one place have saved lots of lives. That would be a great reward.

  3. Dear Keith I am sorry to hear you are not well. I've not read another man that is so so professional and educational as your writings. Let's hope the 30 odd million drivers heed your warnings I for one wholeheartedly agree with you and I firmly believe it started in 1999 with Nottingham's first speed camera. As per my prediction then that all drivers will be screwed good and properly and it has happened but it could get worse.
    It has been a pleasure reading your intelligent truthful writings which all drivers would benefit from reading and also heeding. Best Regards Mick H

  4. Bless you Michael. I did my best. Keith
