(Speed Limits) (A46 Laceby Bypass) (No.09-16)
Summary of objections
I object to the indefinite continuation of the order for the following reasons:
It is based on a number of false assumptions and common road safety mistakes. In view of that, it is highly likely to cause serious accidents at other locations not within this order.
Photo: Councillor Peter Burgess (Portfolio Holder).
The false assumptions include:
Speeding, the act of exceeding an arbitrary and unscientific number on a pole, causes accidents.
That, by reducing average speeds of motor transport, death and injury is reduced.
That by reducing speeds in one area is not creating accidents elsewhere at a later time.
That a ‘small increase in journey times’ will result.
That the 85%ile rule which served us so well for a century can be falsely manipulated with cameras.That misses the point of the 85%ile. To say we will create a new 85%ile with cameras shows a complete misunderstanding about its objective. (1 1.2)
That budgets take precedent over death and injury. (2 2.2)
It fails to focus on the alleged problem which is road junctions.
It creates 'speeding' entrapment and will create 'speeders'.
It will cause accidents.
Full details can be obtained from lincolnshire@abd.org.uk