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Friday, 22 April 2016

Driver-less cars. Transport Research Laboratory listening to wrong people.

Image result for professor nick reed
Professor Nick Reed

Image result for professor nick reed

TRL and Transport Research Laboratory are trading names of TRL Limited, registered in England No. 3142272. Registered Office: Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3GA, United Kingdom. VAT Number: 664625321.

Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards

TRL has also won no less than seven prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards since 2000. Click here to see how TRL has excelled in this area.  See Prince with no CV on 5 star road safety junkets.

The TRL Academy, full of academics, with no CV in road safety or driving and includes such as Dr Sally Cairns See She is a direct link with anti car ownership and anti driver RACF 

So we have established a direct link with this alleged independent, highly consulted, highly regarded institution with anti driver groups and road safety profiteers. 
Dr Sally Cairns definitely wants less cars and drivers and this tends to confirm our case that driver-less cars are not for ordinary people, who will never be able to afford them and will be reduced to walking, cycling & buses. 

We have already challenged the driver-less nonsense with these points:
Here and

Here  So I won't rehearse it all again today. Suffice to say, there is an awful lot of unqualified promotion behind driver-less vehicles and an awful lot of cheating behind their presentation. Take it from me, they are not for ordinary people who simply couldn't afford or maintain them, they would be unable to replace the 300 billion efficient miles a year required to sustain the community that drivers do, and the technology, good enough to fly planes on empty straight paths to land on empty straight runways, is far too basic to operate vehicles on busy alternating roads. See How will they comply with this nonsense?

In view of that, it is very worrying to actually read Nick Reed and the TRL on all this so now look at these tweets from him. He has a one to one with BRAKE of all people.
 See loads of anti driver Brake rubbish here But worse than that, he doesn't think a CV in driving and road safety should count when it comes to what is good on the roads.

Well I have asked Nick to respond to all my points on here, but it is my experience that vested interests usually overcome honesty and reality. 

In the meantime let's get these academics to consult experts; there is no degree in the subject that counts in this life and death issue.

So far Driver-less vehicles are not based on reality or for the community but more on an anti driver ideology and TRL is certainly connected with all that. 

TRL have refused point blank to address legitimate concerns about driver-less vehicles and asked us to close this page down. See the exchanges & how they make their money here 

1 comment:

  1. Being brought up on a diet of sci-fi films and television programs It's not hard for me to imagine what personal transport might look like in the future.
    In films I've seen hover cars (with drivers) electric cars (with drivers) and yes the odd film where the vehicle is driverless but the driver takes over when the computer can't cope with a high speed chase or escape and evade manoeuvre.
    However what you wont see on the highways in any sci fi film though, is a Lycra clad middle aged man wobbling up the road on a bicycle..or a rosy cheeked rotund woman riding a horse.
    Now it is possible that in the future world where the movie is set these two things do exist but they are obviously seen by the writer or producer of the film as unnecessary to the plot.
    So before we embark on this journey towards the brave new world of driver-less cars can we start by looking at removing those things which are unnecessary to the plot.
