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Thursday, 31 December 2015

More evidence of anti driver officials running our roads. They must be sacked.

It could've been worse. They could've given AA's Edmund King a coveted Knighthood. However his OBE, no doubt less than 'arise Sir Edmund', is enough to prove our case that a whole anti driver, anti profit free genuine road safety regime is running government.  

How can this man get any award for anything road safety? If this is wrong Edmund sue me. 
Edmund King OBE

But here's another in the same list. Up till 2015 he was a DfT civil servant And gets a CBE. Now a director of RACF, See an example of them here and Here.

We had already traced anti driver 20's Plenty Rod King's MBE
Rod King

Roger Geffen 
 to the DfT See the DfT Smoking Gun and just like King, and Stephen Gooding, road safety, without any CV, and to be dangerously meddling in it at all, really isn't for commendation. And the recent MBE of virulent anti driver of CTC. Roger Geffen who appeared before a Transport Select Committee with King, where King pretended to be the reasonable face of drivers when actually not representing drivers at all.  More on CTC here See King & Geffen at work on Select Committee and still tell me that King & AA are pro driver. 

I had already noted the amount of anti driver, anti genuine road safety OBEs and CBEs and the links to the DfT. See here.

I had also noted that no matter what party was in government, ministers were still responding with the same illogical anti road safety anti driver replies as their predecessors did. So clearly there seemed to be an anti driver green influence within the DfT. All the foregoing only corroborates that view. The discovery of Stephen Gooding, so recently a senior civil servant at DfT and now with the anti driver RACF, is very worrying even if he is at least no longer there. 

Now we have the recent discovery that such DfT civil servants, without any CV whatsoever, are instructing police to submit bogus accident stats that promote speeding profiteering. See open letter to police chiefs How corrupt? What gross DfT interference. 

We all depend on drivers and road transport. Without all drivers society and the economy would collapse totally and very soon all 65 million of us would die. By definition any aggressive policy against drivers is therefore aggression against the whole community. There is no place for anti driver civil servants in central or local government. They are anti community.

Let's look to getting them all sacked.  

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