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Monday, 18 July 2016

Now Chris Boardman's Mum is killed riding a bike

It's extremely difficult for me to feel sympathy for cycling lobby profiteer Chrs Boardman's loss of his mother who died because she was cycling.  See the story here. It would be very easy for me to be mealy mouthed about this or say nothing but life and death road safety isn't a popularity contest. Since Chris' Mum, just 24 hours ago. another has died and many more have been injured already.

Forty eight cyclists have already died on UKs roads this year with countless more maimed. See the definition of cycling & its consequences here. 

Chris Boardman encourages and promotes all this. Enjoying the description 'road safety campaigner' when in fact he is only a pro cycling lobbyist profiteer where road cycling is a complete contradiction to road safety, See this blog on RoSPA .

 I had often challenged his activity on this very Blog. See the following links:

So now that death from cycling has visited Chris most directly, can he seriously continue to ignore reality for his own vested interests and encourage more people, especially the young, to go road cycling? 

The Cycle Lobby just can't keep on blaming everyone and everything else for their dangerous pursuit. 


  1. vile little man, Have you no shame?

    1. I think lefty green people, all believe they're clever, everyone else is ignorant & evil. Their development was stopped during adolescence.

    2. Where did you get "lefty green" from? You really struggle with people disagreeing with you don't you. As a normal British person I find attitude here beneath contempt

    3. He doesn't as all Keith is, is a grief exploiter for law breakers

    4. No but I just think that the natural response from left wing, single issue people is always infantile anger, as in this case. Personally I am against cyclists being killed while people make profit from it. Aren't you?

    5. CD. Highlighting cycling death, is not exploiting anything but simply bringing it to attention. I hope it saves many lives & makes us focus on what road cycling really is. I see a difference with deliberate law breaking & law breaking encouraged by official poor policy. You must blame someone so that makes death ok then? Sorry I'd rather tack le the issue.

    6. Well you seem to be a single issue person. And you inability to use reason is pretty infantile. Interesting misrepresentation and straw man attacks from you. I think being disgusted at what you have written and your gleeful response to someone's death is scarcely infantile. And I still don't get what you mean by "left wing". Is that just shorthand for "disagrees with KP"? As for the blame thing - t is only you that seems to be talking about it. Tell us Keith - as you are treated with contempt by current experts (including Police drivers, what makes you call yourself an expert? You seem not to understand basic concepts like data, correlation, evidence and logical argument and your only aim seems to be to win. And why do you act with such breathtaking hypocrisy? Why do you have so many sock puppet accounts? Why do you think that you, and only you, are ever right? have you never thought that maybe other people, even if you don't like what they are saying, may be right?

    7. I am about genuine profitless & honest road safety which is my expertise. Driving affects all sixty five million of us and is a majority issue.

      But I just publish the facts & the obvious. 48 cyclists have died and many more have been maimed on our roads this year. All sorts of answers are promoted, mostly against drivers, yet no-one is supposed to point out that the concept of road cycling is dangerous, it kills and injures, or ask why society must have it. Well as an honest road safety expert I do ask these questions if you don't mind.

      'Gleeful', hidden under anonymity, is your Ad Hom word. But here is a self appointed cycling Tzar, who profits from cycling and so far, he's refused to acknowledge the fatal truth about cycling. Now his mum's been killed from it. So yes it is fair to people and cyclists to know what Chris Boardman puts first, people, children, human life, or his own ambition. I hope that he may, for the sake of all of us now step back and do the right thing and announce that road cycling's an unnecessary risk. We all need him to do that. What kind of man is Chris Boardman?

      Yes there are vested interest dyed in the mold policemen, those currently being paid to sing from a song sheet hardly qualify, but so far they have never challenged my facts or denied them either. Of course I am raining on their cosy parade and they are very angry about it too. Of course they are. Whatever they may be, they are certainly not good police officers and that's for sure.

      It isn't about me being right or wrong; it's simple facts that you don't like.

      Again your response is confined to attacking me than facing facts. I can take all of that. You cannot make me wrong from wishful thinking and personal comment. Now unless you can debate the issues, don't waste any more time as you won't be published.

  2. What a vile and disgusting article. Your hatred is well known, but now your are showing yourself to be a really nasty little man. How do you sleep at night?

    1. I sleep at night because I make no profit from people dying unnecessarily on the road.

  3. Why don't you publish all comments keith

    1. I always publish well considered responses to well considered posts. Most are just personal reaction without sensible content.
